Go Forth and Make
System76 proudly engineers and manufactures premium Linux computers and keyboards at our factory in Denver, Colorado. Our user-driven products, alongside Pop!_OS, give creators, makers, and builders the means to bring forth the future.

The History Behind the System76 Name
Ever since the company’s origin, we've focused on technology freedom. The freedom to truly own a computer you purchased, and upgrade or repair it yourself. The freedom to use your software how you see fit, and alter it for your current project. The freedom to learn how your system works, as well as make improvements. And for us, the freedom to make the best product possible for our users. In reference to the American Revolution, the 76 in our name declares our independence from proprietary empires through the freedom that open source technology provides. Will you join us?
Who are we
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values

System76 is, and always will be, a manufacturer and advocate of open source products. It’s in our DNA. Errr...code. We believe in you having ownership over your technology, meaning you have the right to repair it, modify it to meet your needs, or dismantle it into 1001 pieces to see how it works. Your computer is yours—and nothing less.

Open source products are the best products. Vetted by a large, dedicated community, they’re highly customizable, last longer, and are more secure. That’s why we make our software free to download and our hardware easily serviceable.
System76 Products To Conquer Anything

Download our brand book for more info on who we are: **[Download Brand Book (PDF)](https://system76.com/content/media/pdf/system76_brand-manual_2022.pdf)** Dive deeper into our open source projects on GitHub: **[Brand GitHub Page](https://github.com/system76/brand) [System76 GitHub Page](https://github.com/system76) [Pop!_OS GitHub Page](https://github.com/pop-os)**