
Adder WS laptop quarter turned to the right

Adder WS

Affordable high-end performance!
Thelio Mira with walnut accent

Thelio Mira

Versatile AMD pro desktop.
Lemur Pro laptop quarter turned

Lemur Pro

Longest battery life.

New and Noteworthy

Thelio Astra with bug behind it

Unlocking Health from Insect Genomes

Discover how bioinformatics research powered by Thelio Astra is accelerating the fight against disease
COSMIC Logo with text that reads "ALPHA 4"

COSMIC Alpha 6 Released

New accessibility features, workspaces polish, desktop icons, and more!
Thelio from System76 pinoeering Japan's driving cars

System76 built the fastest Arm PC

Jeff Geerling explains how Thelio Astra blows the pants off other ARM-based workstations.

Explore and Tinker

Computers For AI

The world's smallest and quietest quad-GPU workstation for machine learning and AI

Web Developers

Whether you're working on a new API or building an ecommerce front-end from scratch, gain an advantage.

Autonomous Vehicles

Are Emulators testing your patience? Accelerate Autonomous Development in Record Time.

Weekend Tinkering

Here are some fun weekend projects for your tinkering desires.